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Exploring an Ancient City


The Ancient city


Aynalı Bazaar

Aynalı Bazaar’s (Aynalı Çarşı) name is also mentioned in folk songs. It is located on the Çarşı Street in the center of Çanakkale, and is one of the important symbols of the city. The written history of the Bazaar dates back to the Ottoman Sultan Abbülhamid in the 19th century. Evliya Çelebi, one of the leading travelers of the 17th century mentioned this Bazaar in his travelogue. The bazaar, which is thought to have been built or repaired by Ilya Halyo, one of the prominent Jewish families of Çanakkale, was damaged during the Çanakkale Campaign and was reopened after various repairs.
In the past, there were shops in the bazaar, which made harnesses and ornaments for horses. It is believed that the name “Aynalı (with Mirrors) Bazaar” is used as a kind of analogy because the “horse glasses” called “Ayna (Mirror)” were being sold in the bazaar.

Trojan Horse

The Iliad and Odyssey epics of Homer, who lived in today’s İzmir (ancient Smyrna) in the 8th century BCE, are based on oral tradition that dates back to the 2nd millennium. The myth of the “Trojan War” and the sorrows of those who participated in this war have survived to the present day in the poems of Iliad and Odyssey. The Iliad consists of the events of the 10-year siege period in the Troy Wars.

Subject of the legend of Paris and Helen, the Trojan Horse was a tactical manoeuvre in history planned by Odysseus, the commander of the Achaeans, to take over the city of Troy.

The 12.5 meter high horse at the entrance of the city as the symbol of the ancient city of Troy was built by the Turkish artist İzzet Senemoğlu using pine trees brought from the Kaz Mountains (Kaz Dağları) in 1975.

The wooden horse used in the movie Troy, which was shot in 2004 inspired by the Trojan War is located in the city-center of Çanakkale. Together with the wooden horse you will see outside Troy, you will decide which one is more realistic.

Naval Museum

Çanakkale Naval Museum (Çanakkale Deniz Müzesi), is located in Çimenlik Castle (Çimenlik Kalesi), which was built in the narrow area of the Hellespont in 1452 to defend İstanbul. It is a military museum established to meet the information needs of the Sea and Land Wars in 1915. This museum, which is operated under the Naval Forces Command, hosts items on the battlefield, objects found in villages, and special items donated by the people. It reflects the conditions of 1915 to the people.

Piri Reis Museum

There are two museums named after Piri Reis, one of the famous cartographers in the Ottoman era, a geographer, sailor, scholar and Admiral, who lived in the 16th century.

Piri Reis Naval Museum (Piri Reis Deniz Müzesi) is a private museum under the body of Onsekiz Mart Çanakkale University, and in this museum’s collection are hundreds of species of marine creatures.

Gallipoli Castle (Gelibolu Kalesi), a Byzantine period building built in the 8th century, of which ruins are visible on the coast today, is home to the Piri Reis Museum. The museum contains busts, paintings, and maps depicting the famous seafarer.

Truva Ruins

The oldest settlements in Truva, which has a complex and rich archaeological structure, with 10 different city layers belonging to different periods, date back to 3,000 BCE.  This unique area, which had uninterrupted settlement until 500 CE, enabled the residents of the region to control all the traffic sailing from the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea in that period.

Troy is an important city in understanding the early development of European civilization. The city has a cultural significance due to its contribution to Homer’s Iliad and the creative art.

Located within the boundaries of Çanakkale province, on the slopes of the Kaz Mountain (Kazdağı), Troy was declared a National Park in 1996 and was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a cultural asset in 1998.

The ancient city of Troy is located in the west of Tevfikiye Village in the Central district of Çanakkale.

It is thought that Troy, located on the edge of a bay where the Karamenderes (Skamender) and Dümrek streams reach the Aegean, was very close to the sea in the early years of settlement and gradually fell away from the sea due to the silting of Karamenderes river. The city, which was destroyed by wars and natural disasters and rebuilt many times over, gradually lost its importance and was finally abandoned.

Troy, which has become the subject of many movies, has an important place in mythology besides its rich historical background. The city has been the subject of Homer’s epic of Iliad and the Trojan War has become a story known in the minds.

In the region visited by archaeologists and travelers since the 16th century, a hill where the city layers accumulated due to the use of adobe as construction material in the houses was formed as a result of the excavations.

The most magnificent megaron structures, which are the forerunners of ancient temples, are seen in Troy since 3,000 BCE. In addition, ashlar masonry   has been found in Troy since 2500 BCE, when iron was not known yet.

Troy Museum

The new museum building, which was designed with a modern museology understanding, was named the “Troy Museum (Truva Müzesi)” and was officially opened in 2019. Today, the old Archaeology Museum building in the center continues to serve as the Provincial Public Library (İl Halk Kütüphanesi).

The Troy Museum is located at the entrance of the Ancient City of Troy, which was included in the World Cultural Heritage List by UNESCO in 1998, within the boundaries of Tevfikiye Village of the Central District of Çanakkale Province. It has a 3,000 m2 exhibition hall and 11,200 m2 closed area.

In the Troy Museum, the life and archaeological history of Troy and its cultures, which left their mark in the Troas Region, which has gone down in history with Homer’s famous Iliad, are explained through the artifacts from the excavations.

When visitors  follow a story divided into seven topics: The Archaeology of the Troas Region is the Bronze Age of Troy, the Epic of the Iliad and the Troy War, the Troas and Ilion in the Ancient Period, the Eastern Roman and Ottoman Period, the History of Archeology, and the Traces of Troy.

Visitors can climb to each exhibition floor via the ramp. In the niches on the walls of the ramp, different layers of Troy are described with tombstones, large sculptures, stage animations, and large size photographs. In the circulation band, which is the entrance area of the museum, the science of archeology, archaeological and archaeometric dating methods, terms such as “neolithic, chalcolithic, bronze age, iron age, mound, restoration, conservation” are explained through diagrams, drawings, texts and interactive methods in order to provide an orientation to the visitor before the ongoing exhibition floors.

Tevfikiye Village / Archeo-village

Tevfikiye village, which is the closest settlement to the ruins of Troy, is an archeo-village bearing traces of the unique history of Troy and reflecting the spirit of the period with all its features.

The village has been organized in order to make the visits to the Ancient City of Troy surround people with mythological, cultural and natural beauty and to provide them with the features of the Troy period, such as pleasant breaks during the trips, organic fruit and vegetable shopping.

57th Infantry Regiment Martyrdom

The 57th Infantry Regiment Martyrdom (57. Piyade Alayı Şehitliği) has been built on December 12, 1992.  During the war, foreign soldiers called it “Chessboard“. This martyrdom is symbolic and the real martyrdom is located in the Çataldere Valley, at the south end of Bomba Sırtı. The 57th Regiment is the first of the Turkish forces to confront the Anzac soldiers advancing on the Ariburnu Front and to repel them. In this front, the leadership and courage of Lieutenant Colonel Mustafa Kemal were proven.

The 57th Regiment Martyrdom was made of Kevser stone, which is generally used in Seljuk and Ottoman caravanserais. The entrance to the martyrdom is on the Kabatepe-Conkbayırı road. Directly opposite the entrance is a relief depicting the 57th Regiment’s counterattack on April 25, 1915.

Anzac Cove 

Anzac Cove (Arıburnu) is regularly visited by Australian and New Zealand citizens every year.

The cove, where Australian and New Zealand soldiers landed on April 25, 1915, is 600 meters long. Tourists from Australia and New Zealand (ANZAC) come to Çanakkale from thousands of kilometers away each year to commemorate their ancestors at the dawn ceremony.

Conkbayırı Monument

There are 3 Turkish monuments in Conkbayırı. The newest of these monuments is the bronze Atatürk statue, located right next to the New Zealand Monument (Yeni Zelanda Anıtı). On the pedestal of the statue, the shrapnel piece that hit Colonel Mustafa Kemal‘s chest on August 10, 1915 and the incident of his survival thanks to the clock in his pocket over his heart is told from his original voice.

It is one of the most violent and bloody fronts of the Gallipoli Campaign. 5 “memorial inscriptions” were erected in the name of our martyrs and their heroism.

Çanakkale Epic Information Center

Çanakkale Epic Information Center (Çanakkale Destanı Tanıtım Merkezi) was put into service on June 7, 2012 in order to remember the Çanakkale Campaign, where unprecedented stories of heroism took place.

Three-dimensional demonstrations are made in two of the 11 different animation halls established with advanced simulation techniques, and important parts of the Çanakkale Campaign are explained by using mobile platforms in three separate rooms. The narration is made in seven different languages (English, German, French, Russian, Japanese, Italian and Arabic) for foreign visitors.

The exhibition hall consisting of two floors where materials and dioramas used in the Çanakkale Campaign are exhibited, a library where the works published about the Çanakkale Campaign are collected and a souvenir section are also located here.

The center includes a section explaining the beginnings of this war, which started in 1914 due to the pre-war Ottoman state and how it was carried to the war, the story of the Nusrat Mine Ship, the Battle Plans of the Allied Powers, the three-dimensional re-enactment of the heroism of Seyid Onbasi in Rumeli Mecidiye Bastion, Land Battles plans, which are narrated on a three-dimensional map with images of wars of that period with a special technique, and animations demonstrating Mustafa Kemal‘s conversation with a soldier at the front.

An exhibition area has been established spread over two floors where objects such as weapons, tools, equipment, personal belongings and letters used in Çanakkale Campaign are exhibited. In the exhibition hall, memories and objects from the Çanakkale Campaign are exhibited. In addition, reliefs depicting scenes from the Çanakkale Campaign decorate the exhibition walls.

Çanakkale Epic Information Center is a first in the world in terms of using film and hologram together.


Assos is an ancient coastal town located 87 km south of Çanakkale, within the boundaries of Behramkale Village of Ayvacık district. Aristotle, the famous philosopher of the Antiquity, lived for a period in Assos, and made important research on zoology, biology and botany.

A significant portion of the 4 km long walls surrounding the city are still standing today. The Temple of Athena (Athena Tapınağı), located in the Acropolis, is one of the oldest Doric temples in Anatolia built in the Archaic Age. Among the h ruins on the acropolis, the Temple of Athena is the best place to watch the magnificent view of Edremit Bay at sunset. A big portion of the theater with a capacity of 4,000 spectators, has been preserved.  The bridge from the Ottoman period at the borders of Behramkale Village is completely standing and still in use.

Ayazma Spring Nature Park

The history of Bayramiç district, which includes the Ayazma Spring Nature Park (Ayazma Pınarı Tabiat Parkı), dates back to the Kingdom of Troy. Although the settlements in and around Bayramiç date back to a very early period, there are very few ruins that have survived and can be seen.

Kazdağı-Ayazma forest recreation place is very important for recreational tourism with its historical background, unique flora and fauna, having the highest oxygen rate after the Alps in the world and cold waters.


Babakale is affiliated to the Ayvacık district of Çanakkale. Here is the farthest point of the Asian continent, which is the largest continent in the world geographically.

Just like in Capo da Roca, where the European continent ends, it is possible to document your visit with a certificate at Babakale free-of-charge.

In Babakale, you can also visit Babakale Castle (Babakale Kalesi), the last castle built by the Ottoman Empire. Babakale is a place worth seeing with its magnificent view from the castle walls, the color of the sea and its historical texture.


Located 4 nautical miles from the mainland (Geyikli Pier), formerly known as Tenedos, today known as Bozcaada, it is like a paradise with its houses and streets preserving its old architectural texture, deep blue sea, calm beaches, hills with thyme scent, and vineyards where delicious wines are produced. This is an island that you can visit throughout the year to watch the sunset from the point where the wind roses and Polentos Lantern are located at the westernmost end of the island, for hiking and cycling on its not very rough roads, kite-surfing at Çayır Beach (Çayır Plajı), exploring the undersea in the bays, one of the most important diving spots of the Aegean Sea.


It is possible to reach Gökçeada, which is about eight times the size of Bozcaada as the largest island of Türkiye, by ferry from Kabatepe port. The island of Imroz, with its name used until 1970, has the title of “the last place where the sun sets” as it is the westernmost point of Türkiye in the North Aegean.  The island, with its history dating back to 7,000 BCE, the artifacts found in the mound of the island and the uninterrupted settlement of the island, fascinates visitors with its old village architecture, churches and cobblestone streets.

Gökçeada is an island that stands out with the richness of its natural life due to the diversity in its flora and fauna and the abundance of water resources. Olive cultivation is a profession that dates back to ancient times. It is possible to see 300-400-year-old olive trees on the island.
Known as one of the cleanest seas in Türkiye, Gökçeada’s beaches are ideal for swimming, diving and surfing.  Gökçeada is considered to be one of the leading surf centers not only in Türkiye but also in the world thanks to its windy climate and unique geographic structure.

Zeus Altar

Homer mentions in the Iliad Epic that Gods lived on Mount Ida (Kazdağı) and watched and ruled the Trojan War from here. It is also told in this epic that Zeus, the King of Gods, lived here and watched and ruled the war. Researchers working in the region also think that this high place, built on a hill overlooking the sea and Edremit Bay, belongs to Zeus, the king of Gods.

The area named as Zeus Altar on Dede Hill (Dede Tepesi) has been formed by processing of the rock mass. This rock mass is accessed by ladders made of carved steps.  The cistern under the altar and contains water inside, is called Zeus Cave (Zeus Mağarası).

Parion Ancient City 

Parion is located in Çanakkale Province, Biga District, Kemer Village.

Parion, as a coastal city of the Marmara Sea, is considered to be a city of Troas region, especially considering the data obtained from the necropolis area. The ancient city of Parion is adjacent to important cities such as Lampsakos in the west, Priapos in the east and Skepsis in the south.

Eusebius said, that Parion was established in 709 BCE.

Parion declared Parion, which was a member of the Delos Union in 478-477 BCE, a colony city twice; the first time during the Julius Caesar or Augustus Period, and the second time during the Hadrianus Period.

Parion, a city where Christian communities were located since the 2nd century CE, did not lose its importance during the Byzantine Period and became an important episcopal center.

In the odeion, which is one of the important buildings of the city, a marble statue was unearthed during the excavations in 2012, is assumed to belong to the goddess Artemis.

Apollon Smintheion Ruins

Alexandria Troas Ancient City

The city of Alexandreia Troas was founded in the name of Alexander the Great in 310 BCE. The city developed economically in short time and became an important center. Due to its location as a junction between Europe and Asia, it was once a candidate to be the capital of the Roman Empire.

Although similar plans were made by Emperor Constantine, eventually İstanbul (Constantinapolis) was chosen to be the capital.

The second revival of the city took place with Augustus, a Roman Emperor. Augustus founded a colony here for the retired Roman soldiers in the middle of the 1st century BCE and supported the city’s conversion into a Roman metropolis.

A second peak of the city was in the 2nd century CEHerodes Atticus from Athens, one of the richest people in the ancient world, built an enormous Aqueduct extending from Mount Ida to Alexandreia Troas.

To the east of the city is the Neandria Gate (Neandria Kapısı), which has a circular inner courtyard and a tower on each side and an enormous water gate, dating back to the 3rd century BCE.

Saint Paul began his journey to spread Christianity to Europe from this city port in the 52nd CE. It is known that Alexandreia Troas port was one of the most important gates to Europe at that time.

The big bath of the city was built together with the waterway in 135 CE. The building, which was mostly standing until 1809, collapsed as a result of an earthquake. It is one of the largest of the Roman Period Baths in Anatolia.

An enormous theater was built at the highest point of the city during the Hellenistic Period. The location of the theater offers visitors an impressive view of the city, alongside the view of Neandria located on Cigri Mountain to the east, Lesbos Island to the south, Tenedos (Bozcaada) to the west and Çanakkale Strait (Çanakkale Boğazı) to the north.

Apollon Smintheion Ruins

In the Apollon Smintheus Sanctuary, remains of a prehistoric settlement dating to around 5,000 BCE were unearthed. The Temple of Apollo Smintheus is located in a region called Bahçeleriçi.

This region, which is rich in water, is fed by underground springs. The abundance of water in the region during the Hellenistic era when the temple was built is a symbol of the Apollo cult. God Apollo always needed water for prophesy.

The Apollo Smintheus Temple draws attention with its architectural design and style, as well as the reliefs from Homer’s epic of Iliad. The temple, built in the Ionian style in 150 BCE, is the only example of its kind today in the Troas region in north-west Anatolia.  Apollon Smintheion sanctuary is the second most important sanctuary of Troas after Athena temple in Troy city.  Apollo Smintheus appears in the Troas region as a God protecting farmers from mice.

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